Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Alphabetical Index: Author Index: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Unknown

Alphabetical Index: Author Index:

[Info] Anoniem. Vrouw in Berlijn. Leiden 1955.

[Info] Anoniem. Een vrouw in Berlijn. Dagboekaantekeningen van april tot juni 1945. Amsterdam 2004.

[Info] Anonim. Berlin’de bir kad?n. Ruslar Berlin’e girdiklerinde 20 nisan – 22 haziran 1945 aras? günlük kay?tlar? tecavüz-açl?k-ölüm. Istanbul 2007.

[Info] Anónima. Una mujer en Berlín. Anotaciones de diario escritas entre el 20 de abril y el 22 de junio de 1945. Barcelona 2005.

[Info] Anonima. Ženska v Berlinu. Dnevniški zapiski od 20. aprila do 22. junija 1945. Ljubljana 2007.

[Info] Anonym. En kvinna i Berlin. En sann berättelse. Dagsboksanteckningar frĺn den 20 april till den 22 juni 1945. Stockholm 2005.

[Info] Anonyma. En kvinna i Berlin. Helsingfors 1955.

[Info] Anonyma. Eine Frau in Berlin. Tagebuchaufzeichnungen. Geneva 1959.

[Info] Anonyma. Eine Frau in Berlin. Tagebuchaufzeichnungen vom 20. April bis 22. Juni 1945. Frankfurt/Main 2003.

[Info] Anonyma. En kvinde i Berlin. Copenhagen 2004.

[Info] Anonyma. En kvinne i Berlin. Dagboknotater fra 20. april til 22. juni 1945. Oslo 2005.

[Info] Anonyma. Egy n? Berlinben naplójegyzetek 1945. április 20-tól június 22-ig. Budapest 2006.

[Info] Anonyme. Une femme ŕ Berlin: journal 20 avril – 22 juin 1945. Paris 2006.

[Info] Anonyme. Mia gynaika sto Berolino. Hemerologiakes semeioseis apo tis 20 Apriliu eos tis 22 Iuniu 1945. Athens 2007.

[Info] Anonymous. A woman in Berlin. New York 1954.

[Info] Anonymous. A woman in Berlin. London 1955.

[Info] Anonymous. Una donna a Berlino. Milan 1957.

[Info] Anonymous. A woman in Berlin. Diary 20 April 1945 to 22 June 1945. London 2005.

[Info] Anonymous. A woman in Berlin. Eight weeks in the conquered city. A diary. New York 2005.

[Info] Anonymous. »»My plight is not unique«. Sexual violence in armed conflict – a workshop discussion.« Mittelweg 36 18 (2009).

[Info] Anonyymi. Nainen Berliinissä. Päiväkirja 20.4. – 22.6.1945. Jyväskylä 2006.

[Info] Doe, Jane. The story of Jane Doe. A book about rape. Toronto 2003.

[Info] Unknown Authorship. The proceedings at the Sessions of the Peace, and Oyer and Terminer, for the City of London, and County of Middlesex, held at Justice-Hall in the Old-Bailey, on Friday the 27th of February last, before the Right Honourable Sir Richard Brocas, Knt. Lord Mayor of the City of London; the Honourable Mr. Justice Price, Mr. Justice Probyn, and Mr. Baron Thomson, upon a bill of indictment found against Francis Charteris, Esq; for committing a rape on the body of Anne Bond, of which he was found guilty. London 1730.

[Info] Unknown Authorship. Scotch gallantry display’d. Or the life and adventures of the unparallel’d Col. Fr-nc-s Ch-rt-s, impartially related. With some remarks on other writings on this subject. London 1730.

[Info] Unknown Authorship. Some authentick memoirs of the life of Colonel Ch-------------s, rape-master-general of Great Britain. By an impartial hand. London 1730.

[Info] Unknown Authorship. Select trials at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bailey, for murder, robberies, rapes, sodomy, coining, frauds, bigamy, and other offences. To which are added, genuine accounts of the lives, behaviour, confessions and dying speeches of the most eminent convicts. In four volumes. From the year 1720, to this time. Vol. I. London 1742.

[Info] Unknown Authorship. Select trials at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bailey, for murder, robberies, rapes, sodomy, coining, frauds, bigamy, and other offences. To which are added, genuine accounts of the lives, behaviour, confessions and dying speeches of the most eminent convicts. In four volumes. From the year 1720, to this time. Vol. II. London 1742.

[Info] Unknown Authorship. Select trials at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bailey, for murder, robberies, rapes, sodomy, coining, frauds, bigamy, and other offences. To which are added, genuine accounts of the lives, behaviour, confessions and dying speeches of the most eminent convicts. In four volumes. From the year 1720, to this time. Vol. III. London 1742.

[Info] Unknown Authorship. Report of the trials of Stephen Murphy and John Doyle before the Supreme Judicial Court at Dedham, Oct. 23, 1817, for the rape of Rebecca Day, Jun., on the 10th Aug. 1817. Boston 1817.

[Info] Unknown Authorship. »The "comfort woman" system. Enslaving women in World War II.« East 30 (1994): 38-44.

[Info] Unknown Authorship. »Letzte Bastion der Autonomie? 20 Jahre Notruf für vergewaltigte Frauen.« Blattgold No. 11 (1998): 5-7.

[Info] Unknown Authorship. »Le viol comme arme de guerre. Conflits armés et violence sexuée au Chiapas et en ex-Yougoslavie.« Flagrant délit No. 9 (1999).

[Info] Unknown Authorship. Informe de Investigación. Las Mujeres víctimas de violencia sexual como tortura durante la represión política en Chile, 1973-1990: Un secreto a voces. Santiago 2004.

[Info] Unknown Authorship. »"Ich war bis zum Zehnten bei Bewusstsein". Der Foca-Prozess.« Zeit zu sprechen. Texte und Materialien zu sexualisierter Kriegsgewalt gegen Frauen. Edited by Isabella Stock et al. Cologne 2005: 23-25.

[Info] Unknown Authorship. »Tagebuch Erika G.« Zeit zu sprechen. Texte und Materialien zu sexualisierter Kriegsgewalt gegen Frauen. Edited by Isabella Stock et al. Cologne 2005: 6-9.